Ayhan Metal Pres. Dök.San A.ş-Production Manager

Ayhan Metal Pres. Dök.San A.ş is looking for Production Manager.

General Qualifications
Graduated from Universities in Machinery, Industry, Materials and Metallurgy, Knowledge of High Pressure Aluminum Casting, / 1-5 years of experience, / Able to feed us, experience the work in our company and set off with us, Honest, Dynamic, Disciplined, Proactive, Have High Values, We are looking for a Production Manager Teammate who can adapt to the dynamics and dynamics of the Company, have a good level of M.S Office Programs, strong reporting and analysis direction, residing in Gebze, Beyikbağı, Drıca, Çayırova.
Job description
Ayhan Metal Press Casting Industry and Trade Inc. To plan production activities by using existing machinery, equipment and workforce resources in line with corporate performance targets in order to meet the determined quality standards and on time, taking into account the different priorities and urgency of customer orders, to ensure that all production lines and units work efficiently in an effective coordination, To use the capacity of benches, tools, equipment and equipment at the maximum level and safely and to ensure that the necessary planning and coordination is made for the periodic maintenance of all kinds of machinery and installations in all production lines, to ensure that all kinds of planned maintenance are carried out on time, to determine all kinds of purchasing needs within the scope of planned maintenance and supply, to plan and manage the necessary activities for the installation, commissioning controls and commissioning of new machines and workbenches, to make investment plans for the development of planned maintenance of all kinds of workbenches, tools, equipment and hardware in parallel with the current technological developments and to present them to the Management, Value To prepare and develop Flow Maps, to make arrangements to ensure that layouts work more efficiently by using lean methods, to manage all legal and institutional applications on OHS with the understanding of SAFETY FIRST, to manage the physical environment safety and fire safety of the factory at the highest level with zero risk, and to ensure that all production lines and maintenance processes and the protection and safety of the land and facilities determined by the physical boundaries of the factory and the fire safety, to protect the health and safety of employees in the highest level of institutional structure within the framework of the rules determined by the laws, to increase efficiency by improving and developing production processes, Understanding of coaching, to take the occupational health and safety measures determined by the OHS Specialist of all activities in the field of responsibility, to supervise and to ensure that non-compliances are eliminated.

E-mail:  [email protected] and [email protected] 

You can apply via e-mail.