GCA Türkiye // Industrial Designer (Intern)

GCA Türkiye is looking for an Industrial Designer Intern.


  • 4th year students in the Department of Industrial Design
  • Able to work min. 6 months, 3 – 4 days in a week
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English
  • Advanced knowledge of Rhinoceros, V-ray, Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator
  • Willingness to work in the field of production-oriented design
  • Strong problem-solving and organizational skills
  • Respectful, receptive, agile, eager to learn
  • Positive approach / Can-do attitude
  • Willingness to learn new things & curiosity


  • Assisting the Product Design Department in the glass packaging sector
  • Taking execution and follow up responsibilities for design activities
  • Having an active role in product design projects

InEasy Apply (application via LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2907719932/?alternateChannel=search&refId=BXFNxH5BdpcS0BkE8HqQcA%3D%3D&trackingId=CSp3SFQmYK8Zp%2BUj2ciPhw%3D%3D