

Career Planning in the New Era

In the age of artificial intelligence, we are in, the change in the way of doing business and the expectations of the business world not only creates new business models, but also a new understanding of career planning. Until recently, people perceived starting in one sector and progressing vertically in that sector as making a career, but now there is a multi-career perception (multi-tasking) in which more than one sector is experienced and trying different business lines is considered more normal.

The increasing ease of access to information and the transformation of information into a commodity are changing the skills required to be successful in a job. For this reason, some globally recognized authorities (WEF, MC Kinsey, etc.) examine the business skills brought about by this new era under the title of 21st Century Competencies. Some competencies such as the use of technology, leadership, complex problem solving, critical thinking, and learning to learn are frequently encountered as competencies that people are expected to have for a successful career, regardless of their diploma field.

New generation business ideas, new working environments and new types of business models that have become widespread after the pandemic also affect the expectations of companies from their employees. When we consider that information changes much faster than before and even becomes obsolete, it would be correct to say that new generation career planning is related to the level of knowledge, but it is much more related to being able to learn and interpret new information and to create a project and product with this information.

For this reason, as Kadir Has University Career Office, we provide consultancy services, events, workshops, etc. to support our students in making a career planning in line with new generation career approaches.

We recommend all our students to take a look at the following reports in particular.

1) World Economic Forum Future of Work Report

2) McKinsey Skills Needed in the Future of Work Report

